The Story BehinD Our NAme and Logo

In 2008, Bluebird Coaching became the business name. The Bluebird part of the name was originally based on Australia's Blue Fairy Wren. In creating the logo, it was originally misunderstood to be the American Bluebird, hence the colours in our logo.

However I loved the bird logo. What it represented to me was the taking flight towards our freedom (after we start our personal development journey).

I went looking for what Bluebird meant to the indigenous people of both Australia and America. Liking what I read, I kept the colours of the American Bluebird, knowing our Australian Blue Fairy Wren was part of our brand.

The Aboriginal Dreaming story about waatji pulyeri (blue fairy-wren) reminds us that while we are all interconnected, we each have unique characteristics. Blue Wren’s story tells us we do not need to engage in a competition. We only have to be our unique self! Individuality is a very important part of our identity. Without it, life would be boring, we'd all be the same.

An American Bluebird brings happiness and joy into your life. You become aware of all the beauty around you and learn how to enjoy the small things in life. They say, if a bluebird appears in your life, it brings luck and a certain difficult period of your life is nearly over.

Both these stories rings true for me, and those who have completed Bluebird Transformations' coaching programs.

In 2019 I renamed the business to Bluebird Transformations, because with the new methods I had trained in, that were based on science, clients were receiving more than coaching. Clients were replacing their limiting beliefs with inner awareness and the difference, this made in their lives, was transformational.

