Bluebird Transformations: For women who want more!

Our Services

Our individual programs start with an inspirational call, where you gain clarity on your best path forward, to obtain what you want. A coaching program that best suits your path, will be recommended. Any individual coaching program recommended will be 1 to 1 (face-to-face) online using zoom and will include some or all of the following methods.

All our programs create change simultaneously at the unconscious and conscious levels (head, heart and gut)

✓ Creatrix® (based on science of biology, neurology and epigenetics and includes a conditional guarantee)

✓ Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP, based on the science of neurology)

✓ Timeline Therapy

✓ Somatic & Embodiment coaching

✓ Life Coaching

✓ Counselling

Note: You can download zoom for free.

Personal Development: Resource Library

Self Paced personal development resources that can be purchased individually, or you can subscribe to a monthly membership, where you get access to past & current month's resources, whilst your subscription is up to date.

Your monthly subscription includes optional attendance at our weekly live, Q & A calls (on zoom) with a coach

✓ eBooks

✓ Guided meditations

✓ Video Presentations

✓ Worksheets

✓ 5 Day Masterclasses

✓ Private facebook group

✓ Ask a Coach anything - Q&A Lives

Note: Doesn't include resources for coaching programs that are sold separately.

Other programs

✓ Group Coaching (12 - weeks)

✓ Self Paced Mini Courses

✓ Women's Circles (group)


What our clients have to say

"When your inner coach awakens, nothing can be hidden any longer."